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February 21, 2025

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Ask Anything Wednesday

Call with your question - you set the agenda. 1-877-893-TALK(8255) ...

July 30, 2008

A Study Bible Informed by Archaeology

Many Christians want to know more about how archaeology informs and deepens our understanding of the Bible and specific texts.  It helps to know, for example, about Mars Hill, where Paul defended the faith in Acts 17, about the topography of Galilee, ...

July 8, 2008

Sons and Daughters of God — The Wonder of Adoption

The doctrine of adoption is one of the sweetest dimensions of salvation as revealed in Scripture.  Joel R. Beeke has written an inspiring and informative work on the doctrine that looks particularly to the Puritans for guidance.  Heirs with Christ: T ...

June 20, 2008

The Liberals’ Moment

The decade of the 1970s is now a generation behind us, but the cultural and political movements of that pivotal decade set the stage for so much of what we face in our current times.  In terms of national politics, two great developments stand out.  ...

June 9, 2008

Books for Guys — Maybe for Dad, Maybe for Son, Maybe for You

I am repeatedly asked about books that boys and men will want to read. The fact is that many guys just do not read for fun (if much at all) and yet, every now and then, they read a book that captures their attention. This list is for the moms and wiv ...

June 5, 2008

The Gospel According to Jesus — 20 Years Later

Back twenty years ago the evangelical world was torn by a controversy over the very nature of salvation -- known then as the "lordship controversy."  Out of the context of that controversy Dr. John MacArthur would write one of the most important book ...

June 2, 2008

In Defense of the Defenseless — the Human Embryo

The moral status of the human embryo now stands as a central question of our times.  In fact, it has only been in recent times that we have even known much about the human embryo.  Now, with the issues of human embryonic stem cell research, cloning, ...

May 30, 2008

The Family Bin Laden — Understanding the Times

The name of the Bin Laden family is now known throughout the world -- a name of infamy.  But long before the events of September 11, 2001, the Bin Laden family was well established in Saudi Arabia and in much of the Arab world.  Journalist Steve Coll ...

May 29, 2008

The Citadel and the Open Space — Will the Library Survive in the Internet Age?

Few inventions can compete with the printed book in terms of changing human history and influencing the way humans think. The physical reality of the book -- type on the printed page -- made knowledge accessible on a scale never dreamed of in former ...

May 29, 2008

The Best Analysis of the “Gospel of Judas”

The controversy surrounding the "Gospel of Judas" raises significant and important questions for intelligent Christians.  How are we to understand this document?  What does this text suggest in terms of theology?  How do we put the entire question in ...

May 28, 2008

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