The world order has been so thoroughly transformed over the last century that some of the most powerful nations on earth no longer even exist. Most recently, we saw this happen with the break-up of the Soviet Union. But a national demise that riva ...
David F. Wells is, hands down, one of the most insightful analysts of contemporary Christianity. Well known as the Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wells is a theologi ...
There is more than enough psychobabble in this world, and not enough genuine insight. I picked up Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner unsure if I would find anything worthwhile but intrigued by his previous writings. A professor at the Harv ...
My guess is that most Americans assume that the practice of the bar mitzvah is a centuries-old norm among the Jewish people. That assumption is wrong, but the real story of the bar mitzvah is truly interesting. In Thirteen and a Day: The Bar and Ba ...
Books on political affairs and current events come regularly and many pack a partisan punch. This is especially true in the intense political season of a presidential campaign. Publishers have been releasing title after title into the political tor ...
Fergus M. Bordewich has written what is best described as a biography of Washington, D.C. In Washington: The Making of the American Capital (Amistad Books/HarperCollins), Bordewich traces the history of America's Capital City, telling that story wit ...
The modern Olympic Games are barely a century old, but even within that relatively brief span the games have been transformed. Along the way, notions of athletic achievement, nationalism, individual rights, patriotism, gender, and race have been tra ...
The 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing will put the nation of China on the world stage as never before in modern times. The government of the People's Republic of China is intent on making these games a great publicity gain for the nation. Beijin ...
Howard P. Chudacoff has done what someone needed to do -- write a history of children's play. In Children at Play: An American History, Chudacoff, who teaches at Brown University, traces how play has changed over time. These changes reflect everyth ...
"One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world." Alexander Solzhenitsyn cited that Russian proverb in his 1970 acceptance speech as he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. He did not deliver that speech in person, for he knew that if he lef ...