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February 21, 2025

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Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: An Interview with Michael Lawrence

Pastors have often noted that there is a significant leap from the academics of the seminary classroom to the life of the church.  Recognizing these difficulties, Dr. Michael Lawrence has served the church well with his new book: Biblical Theology in ...

May 18, 2010

The Death of a (Former) Atheist — Antony Flew, 1923-2010

The death this month of Antony Flew brings an end to one of the most interesting lives in twentieth century philosophy. Throughout the last half of that century, Professor Flew was recognized as one of the most significant philosophical advocates of ...

April 29, 2010

What Is the Gospel? An Interview with Greg Gilbert

While the question "What is the gospel?" may strike many as naively simple, getting the answer right has recently proved more difficult for Christians than most realize.  Recognizing this trend and the indispensability of the gospel to the life of th ...

April 26, 2010

The Shack — The Missing Art of Evangelical Discernment

The publishing world sees very few books reach blockbuster status, but William Paul Young's The Shack has now exceeded even that. The book, originally self-published by Young and two friends, has now sold more than 10 million copies and has been tran ...

January 27, 2010

Winston Churchill — Paul Johnson’s Worthy Biography

This past Sunday marked the 45th anniversary of the death of Sir Winston Churchill, the man widely regarded as the greatest leader of the twentieth century. Churchill's life was large in every way. Born in the splendor of Blenheim Palace on November ...

January 26, 2010

Empire of Liberty — When America Became American

Gordon S. Wood is one of the most influential historians writing in the field of American history today. His reputation will only be enhanced with the publication of Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815,  the newest volume in ...

January 25, 2010

Giving the Nook a Good Look

Just before Christmas I took delivery of a new Nook, the dedicated e-reader recently released by Barnes & Noble. Just having a Nook was something of a sensation, since the device had been so popular on pre-order that many orders still remain unfi ...

January 13, 2010

NewsNote: The Death of a Feminist

Radical theologian Mary Daly died Sunday at age 81, ending one of the most interesting and tragic careers in contemporary theology. Known for her exaggerated outspokenness, Daly took theological feminism to what she believed was its rightful and logi ...

January 8, 2010

The Kindle Experience — A Personal Report

Books are a major part of my daily life. As I write this, I am surrounded by many thousands of books, each with its own feel, appearance, and meaning. Many of these books have played crucial roles in my thinking and understanding. Even as Christianit ...

December 8, 2009

“Tear Down This Wall” — A Book for Leaders

Communication is one of the central tasks of leadership. No one seemed to know this like Ronald Reagan. Much like Winston Churchill, President Reagan understood the power of words and the opportunity of a great speech. On June 12, 1987, President Re ...

November 12, 2009

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