In case you haven’t caught on, here’s how the world now works. If you want major attention and applause from the cultural left and its influencers, of...
"Jesus loves me -- this I know, for the Bible tells me so." This is a childish error? Evangelical Christianity has a big problem, says Andy Stanley, and that problem is a reliance on the Bible that is both unwarranted and unhelpful. In a recent me ...
While America's evangelical Christians are rightly concerned about the secular worldview's rejection of biblical Christianity, we ought to give some urgent attention to a problem much closer to home--biblical illiteracy in the church. This scandalous ...
First delivered at the REASON conference hosted by First Baptist Rogers, AR. ...
1) Is 'redeeming the culture' a biblical concept? 2) Is it normal to be intimidated by the idea of spending eternity in heaven? 3) Are the actions of ISIS comparable to the Old Testament actions of Israel? Call with your ...