Pastor, worried about infidelity, tells church leaders to quit Facebook or resign... Clinton Report condemns Christian Persecution in Iraq... Iraqi Christians flee after violence... Sex addiction rehab a thriving industry... And not just small talk: ...
While the question may seem a bit odd, the daily newspaper provides indisputable evidence that people do stupid things. From lying about their past military service to adulterous affairs, human beings do stupid things because human beings are sinner ...
Tiger Woods’ recent apology for his moral failures have brought Buddhism to the center of the popular conversation around the world. Woods confessed that he violated his Buddhist faith by craving things outside of himself and engaging in a fruitless ...
Americans are accustomed to a certain kind of public confession, argues Susan Wise Bauer -- and that means a confession that is shaped by the Christian faith. Indeed, in her seminal book, The Art of the Public Grovel, Bauer argues that Americans are ...
The year 2009 is still very close in the rear-view mirror, and what a year it was. The year was significant for any number of reasons, including the fact that it marked so many anniversaries. 2009 marked the fortieth anniversary of Woodstock and the ...
Marriage is a definitive moral statement. Regardless of how confused Americans are about any number of ethical issues, people still understand that marriage is unique to two people and should not be broken. The recent fall of Tiger Woods supports t ...
The travail of Tiger Woods entered a new chapter over the weekend as Accenture, a global consulting firm, severed all ties with the world's most famous golfer. In doing so, Accenture became the first of Woods's major sponsors to end its relationship ...
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Americans attempting to reconcile President Clinton's sex scandals with his membership in a Baptist church received a little assistance from the November 2 1998 issue of Newsweek magazine. The newsmagazine presented an analysis of the President as "B ...