Past Episodes

The Briefing 06-19-17

PART I The illiberality of secularism: UK Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron resigns over Christian beliefs

PART II With loss of theological vocabulary, society no longer knows what to say in the aftermath of tragedy

The Briefing 06-16-17

PART I Will the Alexandria shooting change the revolutionary rhetoric on both political sides?

PART II Moralistic Therapeutic Deism and the role of parents & churches in America's teenage spiritual crisis

PART III Worldview Book Recommendation: 'Closing of the American Mind' by Allan Bloom

The Briefing 06-15-17

PART I Congressional baseball shooting leaves 4 wounded, including Rep. Steve Scalise with critical injuries

PART II After finding new fossils, scientists are rewriting the origin story of humanity—again.

PART III SBC adopts resolution condemning alt-right white supremacy, affirming biblical unity of humanity

PART IV How many Jenner's? The sad confusion when Jenner refers to "Bruce" in the past tense

PART V What's in a board game? It turns out a lot more history, culture, and worldview than you might think

The Briefing 06-14-17

PART I Is your pastor a Democrat or Republican? The fascinating link between denomination & party affiliation

PART II Geography and worldview: Looking closer at America's most churched, unchurched, and dechurched cities

PART III This anxious age: Our modern struggle with the ancient problem of anxiety

The Briefing 06-13-17

PART I To the left or to the center? Democratic Party faces identity crisis ahead of 2018 elections

PART II Lessons from the British election: What does the disappearance of the center mean for US politics?

PART III News consumption in our changed media landscape and the fight for "narrative supremacy"

PART IV Batman and Wonder Woman: What these comic book super heroes reveal about American culture

The Briefing 06-12-17

PART I Religious liberals back in the political game? The left's complicated relationship with religion

PART II Amazing new study shows that unborn babies can recognize faces while still in the womb

PART III Military transgender policy, a pregnant "man," and the experiment in social self-deception

PART IV What new science caused Bill Nye to censor an old show where he connected gender to chromosomes?

The Briefing 06-09-17

PART I Analyzing the media's reaction to James Comey's hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee

PART II Stunning the world, Theresa May's Conservative Party loses overall majority in Britain's snap electio

PART III The NFL officially opposes gambling. So why did it relocate the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas?

PART IV Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, fought and won the Six Day War 50 years ago this week

PART V Friday Book Recommendation: "Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East"

The Briefing 06-08-17

PART I Big news day: Comey to testify before Senate Intelligence Committee & Britain to vote in snap election

PART II Religious test for office? Sen. Sanders vehemently opposes nominee's defense of biblical Christianity

PART III New legislation in Ontario gives state power to seize children from parents who oppose LGBTQ agenda

The Briefing 06-07-17

PART I Girls need a big dose of dad: Research links detached fathers and risk-taking daughters

PART II Counterintuitive or common sense? Research shows access to contraceptives increases teen pregnancies

PART III Who rates Hollywood's movies, and what is their criteria? Behind the scenes of the movie rating system

PART IV Science, "intelligence genes," and the quest to understand humanity in merely naturalistic terms

The Briefing 06-06-17

PART I Coming to grips with "Islamist" threat to Western liberalism in aftermath of London terror attacks

PART II Where are Europe's armies? The dangers inherent to the decline of military power in Europe

PART III Former KY Gov. Beshear wants to be seen on "right" side of gay marriage, but history isn't cooperating

PART IV Miracle at Midway: 75 years ago, America routed the Japanese navy, turning the tide in the Pacific War

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