A Protestant Christmas: How Protestants Came to Celebrate the Incarnation of Christ as Christmas
How Do We Understand Promise and Fulfillment in Matthew’s Use of Hosea 11:1? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
In Light of Jesus’s Fulfillment of the Law, Are Christians Still Required to Keep the Mosaic Law? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Why Do We Not Sing More Hymns About the Incarnation Throughout the Year, Like We Do with the Resurrection? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
Can a Baby Fuss Without Sin? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letter from a (Probably Sleep-Deprived) Listener to The Briefing
If Jesus was Born on Christmas, How Was He Around While Adam and Eve Lived? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 6-Year-Old Listener to The Briefing
How Should Christians Celebrate Christmas While Also Separating It From Any Pagan Origins? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
PART I British toddler Alfie Evans dies five days after being removed from life support against parents’ wishes
PART II The deadly consequences of displacing the family as the centerpiece of society
PART III Many questions remain after North Korea changes the game before US meeting
PART IV Why human civilization cannot be sustained with artificial jobs, artificial wages, or artificial workers
PART I Why, from a biblical worldview, the arrest of a suspect in the ‘Golden State Killer’ case is deeply satisfying
PART II From family values to felonies: How Bill Cosby helps us understand the entertainment culture as detached from real life
PART III As a new season begins, Handmaid’s Tale reaches the limits of its dystopian appeal
PART IV Should we be surprised when a society that condemns the corruption of sexuality then turns around and demands the corruption of sexuality?
PART I The tragic story of Alfie Evans: What’s at stake when parental rights are not recognized as natural rights
PART II Pew study reveals deep theological confusion that marks American people
PART III Progressive mayors in New Jersey take aim at gender-specific public bathrooms as ‘next step’ in sexual revolution
PART I A monkey’s day in court: What happens when a secular society loses the ability to ground human dignity in anything objective
PART II Wonder turns into confusion: The inevitable outcome of taking an evolutionary understanding of humanity
PART III Why the biblical worldview makes a radical distinction between that which is beautiful and that which is merely pretty
PART I How morality, not just economics, factors in to Amazon’s search for HQ2
PART II Massachusetts schools adopt new curriculum aimed at normalizing LGBTQ lifestyle
PART III What worldview will be taught as ‘teachable moments’ arise in public schools?
PART IV Schools become the new battleground for the sexual revolution as the number of transgender teachers increases
PART V Regular church attendance remains one of the best indicators of how one will vote, view question of same-sex marriage
PART I Transfer of power in Cuba proves that some of the worst and deadliest ideas seem to persist the longest
PART II As socialism resurges in the United States, many who identify as socialists don’t really know what socialism is
PART III Why religious organizations’ right to hire people devoted to their religious beliefs is vital to religious liberty
PART I California set to enact legislation barring sale of any books expressing orthodox Christian beliefs on sexuality
PART II Christians no longer welcome? What’s really behind the line of questioning in a Senate committee hearing
PART III Army chaplain under fire after refusing to facilitate a marriage retreat for same-sex couples
PART I The indispensable role First Ladies have played in American history
PART II Former First Lady Barbara Bush dies at 92: Remembering her life and legacy
PART III How the cultural establishment maintains their cultural standing in the midst of a sexual revolution
PART IV The convoluted question of character in politics: Does James Comey really demonstrate a 'higher loyalty'?
PART I Theological language shows up in European politics as Macron warns of ‘Civil War’
PART II Why true community can’t exist without shared truth or morality
PART III British Prime Minister urges other nations to substitute their old colonialism for a new secular colonialism
PART I Cultural shift on marijuana tracks along the same lines as shift on same-sex marriage
PART II Former Speaker John Boehner ‘evolves’ on marijuana, joins board of cannabis company
PART III Liberal New York Governor Andrew Cuomo challenged from the left by pro-marijuana, lesbian actress
PART IV Why the black market for marijuana grows where marijuana is legalized
PART V Morality, money, and celebrity: The anatomy of a corporate shakedown over same-sex marriage in Bermuda