In the National Cathedral: The State Funeral of Former President Jimmy Carter
The Fires in LA Still Burn Out of Control – We are Praying for All Endangered by the Historic Fires in LA
Why is the Resurrection Essential to the Christian Faith? – Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
The Bible’s Narratives About the Death of Animals Shocks My 7-Year-Old Son. How Do We Faithfully Bring the Word to Him? – Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners to The Briefing
What Does the Bible Say About Dragons and Dinosaurs? – Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 9-Year-Old Listeners to The Briefing
PART I Stunning Political News This Morning from Israel: How Israel’s History and Theological Landscape Explain Today’s Crisis
PART II It’s Hollywood vs. Georgia: The Pressure Increases with Netflix Announcement
PART III Big Business and the Brave New World of ‘Woke-Washing’: Coming Soon to a Brand Near You
PART IV High Politics, Low Ratings: Middle America Didn’t Like ‘Murphy Brown’
PART I Supreme Court Sends a Mixed Message on Abortion: What Does this Mean for the Future?
PART II Justice Clarence Thomas Delivers Massive Moral and Constitutional Argument Against Abortion: A Prophetic Word Against Eugenics
PART III Liberal Christianity and Abortion Rights: A Longtime Partnership Revealed
PART IV Pregnancy Kills and Abortion Saves? Confronting the Logic of an Abortion Doctor
PART I Secular Society Continues Its Vain Search For Happiness: Why Christians Must Never Relinquish Joy for Mere Happiness
PART II The Assange Indictments: Should the Publishing of Classified Information Be Protected Under the First Amendment?
PART III 'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh Released from Prison: Human Justice and Its Frustrating Limitations
PART I Has the Sexual Revolution Been Worth the Cost in Human Lives, Joy, and Happiness?
PART II How the Sexual Revolution Eliminated Essential Sanctions and Constraints on the Sexual Behavior of Men
PART III In Order to Get Rid of Capitalism You Must Abolish the Family? Marx and Engels Return in American Politics
PART IV Research Confirms that the Devotion of Conservative Christian Fathers Leads to More Happiness in Marriage and Parenting
PART I Changing Plausibility Structures: Joe Biden Reverses His Long-Standing Support of the Hyde Amendment
PART II Why the Sexual Revolution is Sure to Drive the Leading Democratic Presidential Candidates to Target Religious Freedom in 2020
PART III Analyzing Kentucky’s Gubernatorial Primary Results: Why the Democratic Candidates in an Overwhelmingly Pro-Life State Must Embrace the Pro-Abortion Movement
PART IV New Age Activist Marianne Williamson’s Surprising Campaign for President Proves That What Was Once Considered Fringe Is Remarkably Close to Becoming Mainstream
PART I Secularizing America: The Worldview Divide in the American Electorate is Not Just Political, It’s Also Theological
PART II Why Are There No Openly Atheist Candidates for President?
PART III This Just In: A Man Can’t Have a Baby
PART I How Long Can Christians Genuinely Hold to Christian Convictions and Stay in the Medical Field?
PART II A Dark Warning: The Culture of Death Now Argues that Physicians who Oppose Abortion on Religious Grounds Should Not Enter Obstetrics and Gynecology
PART III Moral Relativism on Display in the Public Library as Drag Queen Reads at Storytime: Even the Library Is Not a Safe Space for Christian Parents and Children Anymore
PART IV Now Starring in the Latest Box Office Sensation? Man’s Best Friend
PART I Introducing Kirsten Gillibrand the Theologian
PART II You Can’t Legislate Morality: A Bad Argument Rises Again
PART III Taiwan Becomes First Asian Nation to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage: What’s Behind the Headline
PART IV Same-Sex Marriage Marks an American Anniversary: It’s Still Younger Than Your 16-Year Old
PART V To Be Human Is to Crave a Satisfying End to the Story: A Look at the Nihilistic Worldview of George R. R. Martin and the Quest for an Ending
PART I California’s governor prohibits capital punishment but prosecutors are still seeking the death penalty in cases like the Hollywood Ripper and the Golden State Killer
PART II Doris Day dies at 97: A look at her life as a sex symbol, animal rights activist, and follower of Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Science
PART III French baby names are changing: What the rise of names like Chanel and Mohamed reveal about France
PART I The intensity of the abortion debate in the United States reaches a new level as Alabama bill banning abortion is signed into law
PART II The new Alabama abortion law sets the stage for potentially overturning Roe v. Wade, but will the Supreme Court hear the case?
PART III PBS depicts gay wedding on ‘Arthur’: How the sexual revolution seeks to normalize its own morality by targeting children