Past Episodes

Friday, August 30, 2019

PART I Is Homosexuality Genetic? New Research Reveals an Old Story

PART II The Impulse to Ground Homosexuality in Biological Terms Is Driven By Morality, Not Just Science

PART III Can an Atheist State Regulate Reincarnation? A Collision Between the Worldviews of the Communist Party of China and the Tibetan Buddhism of the Dalai Lama

Thursday, August 29, 2019

PART I The Despair of Failed Programs: Why Government Can’t Solve Pre-Political Problems

PART II How Can Elite Universities Be Fair in Their Admissions Process? The SAT Student Adversity Score Wasn’t the Answer

PART III The Christian Response to Societal and Cultural Failure: Why Good Things Should Happen in Communities Where Faithful Gospel Churches Are Found

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

PART I Planned Parenthood Partners with Musical Artists to Promote Abortion at Concerts: The Deadly Logic of the Pro-Abortion Movement

PART II Should the Government Have No Preference Whether a Child Is Born or Aborted? The New Yorker Seems to Think So

PART III Beto O’Rourke Doubles Down on His Horrifying View on Third-Trimester Abortions When Pressed by Voter

PART IV Is the United States a Republic or a Democracy? Why It’s Necessary to Know the Difference Between Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PART I Less Patriotism, Less God, Fewer Babies: New Poll Reveals that Americans Value Patriotism, Religion, and Having Children Less Than Previous Generations

PART II Why Did California’s Black Market for Marijuana Grow Last Year Despite Legalization in the State?

PART III Markets and Morality: When Government Preys on the People. The Inevitable Outcome of Reliance on Tax Revenue from Gambling.

Monday, August 26, 2019

PART I What’s New in Hollywood? Reputational Insurance: The Rise of the ‘Disgrace Business’ in Celebrity Culture

PART II Why Does Stigma Surround Sexually Transmitted Infections? How Shame and Guilt Point Us to the Cross of Christ

PART III The Celebrity Abortion Culture: Alyssa Milano Reveals She Had Two Abortions in the Span of One Year

PART IV Conservative or Libertarian? David Koch, Billionaire Businessman and Philanthropist, Dies at 79

Friday, August 23, 2019

PART I New Research Confirms That Atheists and Agnostics Tend to Know More about Religion Than Other Unbelievers, But Why?

PART II In an Increasingly Secular America, Why Are Few Politicians Willing to Identify as Atheist?

PART III Pete Buttigieg and His Faith Campaign: What it Means, and What it Doesn’t

Thursday, August 22, 2019

PART I Could the Cosmos Just Be a Computer Simulation? The Threat of Meaningless Existence vs. the Sure and Certain Hope of Biblical Realism

PART II Leading Scientists Claim We Live in a Subjective Reality: Are We Gripped by a Collective Delusion about the Material World?

PART III Are You Prepared for the Cataclysmic Eruption of the Supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park? The New York Times Thinks You Should Be

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

PART I Is Drag Queen Story Hour A Cultural Crisis or Not? The Massive Restructuring of the Entire Moral Universe in America

PART II What’s New in California? A Ban on Plastic Water Bottles and a Human Defecation Crisis

PART III Leading Companies Seek ‘Brand Safety’ in Advertisement Placement

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

PART I Planned Parenthood Proves Its Deadly Commitment to Abortion by Withdrawing from Title X Funding

PART II Nonsense in the Cathedral: A Church that Has Lost Its Message and, Apparently, Its Mind

PART III The Logic of Death vs. the Logic of Life: All Life Is God’s Gift Under His Sovereignty

Monday, August 19, 2019

PART I The Culture of Death Advances in the Pacific: ‘Decriminalizing’ Abortion in New Zealand and New South Wales

PART II Contrary to Claims of Liberal Minister, Historic Christianity Has Condemned Abortion

PART III A World in Which ‘Ladies’ and ‘Gentlemen’ No Longer Makes Sense? In California, ‘First Lady’ Gives Way to ‘First Partner’

PART IV Why is Alabama’s Marriage Law Changing on August 29? You Can Trace the Reasoning Directly to the U.S. Supreme Court

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