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Marriage in a Post-Proposition 8 Culture

What is the church's role and responsibility on the issue of marriage in a time of revolution and social turmoil? We discussed this question in a panel format today. I was joined by guests Dr. Russell Moore, Pastor Eric Bancroft, and Dr. Barrett Duke ...

September 16, 2010

A Conversation With Four Friends Together for the Gospel

Earlier this week, thousands of men and women descended upon Louisville, Kentucky for a conference called Together for the Gospel.  A movement which began four years ago, the conference seeks to encourage gospel cooperation by those in different deno ...

April 15, 2010

On Scarborough Country Tonight

I'll be discussing several issues tonight on MSNBC's "Scarborough Country" at 10:00 Eastern. Other scheduled guests include Pat Buchanan, Jim Wallis (Sojourners Community), and Bob Edgar (National Council of Churches). It should be interesting. ...

April 25, 2005

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