
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 4, 2024

Latest Marriage

Marriage Archives

The Briefing

Iran Uses Force Against Protests as Region Erupts... George W. Bush's Liberal Legacy... Wanted: A Grand Strategy for America... Yemeni Protests Continue For Fifth Day... In Cramped Japan, the iPad Is the Home Library... Gay church 'marriages' set to ...

February 16, 2011

The Briefing

Person of the Year 2010... Texas: Atheist and Religious Bus Ads Banned in City... Why the Marriage gap is bad for America... Which Languages should Liberal Arts be about in 2010?... And In France, Civil Unions gain favor over Marriage ...

December 17, 2010

The Briefing

A look back on Pearl Harbor.. A Retreat from Marriage... Noah's Ark... And Tax Cuts ...

December 7, 2010

The Retreat from Marriage — A Recipe for Disaster

If you were determined to consign a population to poverty and any number of social pathologies, how might you do it? If your design is to extend the effects of these pathologies and pains to successive generations, what might be your plan? The answer ...

December 7, 2010

Who Needs Marriage? TIME Asked the Question — Do You Have an Answer?

"When an institution so central to human experience suddenly changes shape in the space of a generation or two, it's worth trying to figure out why." Belinda Luscombe of TIME magazine made that observation in the course of reporting on a major study ...

November 29, 2010

The Briefing

Who needs Marriage? A Changing Institution... Reflections on Loss and Acceptance from those swept out of Congress... Christmas marketing started in October... Colonel Roosevelt... Autobiography of Mark Twain... And Scientists propose one-way trips to ...

November 22, 2010

The Briefing

Nearly 40 percent say marriage is becoming obsolete... Italy's Political Houdini May Not Escape This Time... A Lucky Few, This Band of Brothers, and the less Blood Shed the Better... The Stonewall Book Awards... And Germany Tightens Security Over Ter ...

November 19, 2010

The Briefing

Diana's ring seals Prince William's Marriage Plans... Rangel Found Guilty by Ethics Panel... Our view on war on terror... New Airport Security Measures Safe, Necessary... And too much texting is linked to our Other Problems ...

November 17, 2010

The Briefing

More Couples saying "I do" to Prenups... Catholics interest in Exorcism is Revived... Backers of Marijuana find Silver Lining in defeat of California measure... And Henryk Gorecki, Polish Composer, Is Dead at 76 ...

November 15, 2010

The Briefing

Finally, rescue in Chile... The Real statistics on Marriage... Evolution and Empty Nest... A shift on Gay Marriage... Sex and The Bible... Teens and Texting ...

October 13, 2010

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