Podcast Transcript 1) Number of Americans in prison presents moral quandary of needing secure and humane systems The Dannemora Dilemma, New York Times (Ross Douthat) A Jailbreak Shows Prisons Are Only as Strong as the People Who Staff Them, ...
The very first issue of Christianity Today is dated October 15, 1956. In his first editorial, Carl F. H. Henry set his course for the magazine: "Those who direct the editorial policy of Christianity Today unreservedly accept the complete reliability ...
Podcast Transcript 1) New York jailbreak coverage reminder of power entertainment has to confuse moral reality Wide Net Cast for Escaped Killers; They Could Be ‘Anywhere’, New York Times (Jesse McKinley and J. David Goodman) 2) Religious coa ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Transgender and feminism agendas collide over admission policies at women’s colleges Barnard will admit transgender students. Now all ‘Seven Sisters’ colleges do., Washington Post (Susan Svrluga) Barnard College, After ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Irish landslide for gay marriage shows breakdown of cultural shaping power of Catholicism Ireland approves gay marriage, talks about a revolution, Associated Press (Shawn Pogatchnik) Landslide, The Economist Same-sex ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Appeals Court second denial of Notre Dame case exposes perilous state of religious liberty Appeals Court Denies Notre Dame’s Challenge to Health Law’s Contraception Mandate, Wall Street Journal (Louise Radnofsky and Brent ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Same-sex marriage legalization will reconfigure political, cultural landscape The Morning After the Same-Sex Marriage Decision, New York Times (Linda Greenhouse) 2) Success of gay marriage compared against abortion aggr ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Irish same sex marriage referendum shows division between radical Catholics and evangelicals Ireland’s Marriage Equality Moment, New York Times (Fintan O’Toole) ‘New Irish’ Christians mobilise to vote no to gay marriage ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Mobile games take advantage of unwillingness to delay gratification among many players Mobile-Game Makers Try to Catch More ‘Whales’ Who Pay for Free Games, Wall Street Journal (Sarah E. Needleman) 2) Consumer debt link ...
Podcast Transcript 1) Utah anti-discrimination law already considered insufficient compromise by LGBT community Some LGBT residents critical of Utah anti-discrimination law, Associated Press (Michelle Price) 2) Concerns over religious libert ...