Feature Article

As Summer Ends — (Late) Summer Reading List 2022

This year my Summer Reading List is definitely testing the boundaries of summer. But I claim as justification the fact that the days are still warm an...

August 8, 2022

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An Unexpected (and Largely Unnoticed) Testimony to the Sanctity of Life

The pro-abortion movement bases its arguments on its fundamental claim of  “a woman’s right to choose.” Laws, according to this ideology, should guarantee the woman’s freedom of choice and autonomy over her own body. If a woman decides for any reason ...

February 20, 2019

To Be Cool or to Be a Church? That is the Question

These days, what passes for important argument or debate takes place on Twitter, and a recent Twitter exchange between two prominent actors has sparked a major controversy. The exchange took place between Hollywood’s Ellen Page and Chris Pratt. Pa ...

February 16, 2019

The Power of the Gospel and the Meltdown of Identity Politics

American politics increasingly resembles a soap opera and, at least for now, Virginia has taken center stage. The drama in the state continues to unfold as the Commonwealth’s top three Democrats face pressure to resign. The Governor’s personal yearbo ...

February 12, 2019

The Reality of Sexual Abuse Hits Home: What Happened? What Do We Do Now?

A massive investigative report appeared in the Sunday editions of the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News. The headline was direct -- “20 years, 700 victims: Southern Baptist sexual abuse spreads as leaders resist reforms.” This art ...

February 11, 2019

Keep Up or Die?: A Church that Won’t Hold a Heresy Trial Isn’t Really a Church

J. Gresham Machen, the great Presbyterian theologian from the early decades of the 20th century, brilliantly assessed the state of modern Christianity and the rise of Protestant liberalism. Rather than seeing liberal theology as a variant of the Chri ...

February 8, 2019

A Morality Tale Lived Out: The Bizarre Headlines from the Commonwealth of Virginia

In recent decades, the Commonwealth of Virginia has served as a barometer for the entire nation. Once a solidly “red” state, Virginia has become a “purple” state thanks to massive political and demographic transitions. Virginia’s boundary with Washin ...

February 5, 2019

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