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Divorce Archives

Is “Ever After” Just Too Long? Marriage and Modernity

The announcement that Al and Tipper Gore are separating after forty years of marriage has captured the attention of the American public to a rather surprising degree. After all, divorce is hardly uncommon these days, and the Gores are famously part o ...

June 8, 2010

Is Ever After Now Too Long?

The recent announcement of Al and Tipper Gore's separation brought to light the culture's confusion about marriage.  Several opinion columns have been written that not only argue away the necessity of staying together long term but also celebrate tho ...

June 7, 2010

Permanence Before Experience: The Wisdom of Marriage

The onslaught of modernity has challenged basic assumptions about marriage that existed merely decades ago.  Instead of marriage being the beginning of the permanence of experience between a man and woman, many couples are opting to experience perman ...

March 5, 2010

NewsNote: A Message from Michigan?

All laws are intended to have an effect, but one of the perverse rules of politics is that laws often have effects very different than those desired or expected. Beyond this, the operational reality of a law, once passed into statute and interpreted ...

February 25, 2010

Committed? Not By a Long Shot

Elizabeth Gilbert is once again a married woman, and she has written a rather lengthy memoir in order to explain why. While in ordinary circumstances such an explanation would be quite unnecessary, in the case of Elizabeth Gilbert some explanation se ...

January 25, 2010

The Marriage Index — A Revealing Look at the Nation

Why hasn't this been done before? That question comes immediately to mind in light of the release of "The Marriage Index," a project undertaken by the Institute for American Values in cooperation with the National Center for African American Marriage ...

November 2, 2009

The Divorce Divide — A National Embarrassment

There are few national tragedies that can match the devastating effect of the Divorce Revolution. Four decades after California launched the revolution, the impact of divorce and the break-up of marriages and families is now well documented, coast to ...

October 28, 2009

The Divorce Divide and the American Conscience

Divorce is becoming the new norm in America.  Rather than honoring their marriage contracts, couples are breaking their vows, leaving their children and finding ways to circumvent faithfulness to those they have promised to love.  Divorce is terrible ...

October 27, 2009

Ask Anything Wednesday

Call with your question - you set the agenda. 1-877-893-TALK(8255) ...

September 2, 2009

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