
As Summer Ends — (Late) Summer Reading List 2022

This year my Summer Reading List is definitely testing the boundaries of summer. But I claim as justification the fact that the days are still warm an...

August 8, 2022

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The Supreme Court Strikes Again–‘Evolving Standards’

The dust continues to settle after the U.S. Supreme Court's March 1 ruling that the execution of persons who committed capital crimes while under the age of 18 is unconstitutional. In one sense, the decision came as no great surprise, given the activ ...

March 15, 2005

Euthanasia for Newborns–Killing in the Netherlands

Advocates for euthanasia routinely chide opponents that "slippery slope" arguments are fallacious and irrelevant. A decision to allow euthanasia in some cases, they say, does not in fact open the door for the killing of yet others. Tragically, howeve ...

March 14, 2005

Truth’s Assault on Modernity

It is impossible to deny that in the last few decades, modernity has unleashed an attack on the notion of truth. This assault modernity has unleashed on truth has certainly taken its toll--not that modernity has weakened truth, for the truth stands i ...

March 11, 2005

Compromise and Confusion in the Churches

The church today finds itself assaulted without--and even within--by a culture and worldview of untruth, anti-truth, and postmodern irrationality. In fact, researchers increasingly report that a majority of evangelicals themselves reject the notion o ...

March 10, 2005

Are All Humans Persons? A New Assault on Human Dignity

America has been involved in an intense and culture-shaking debate over abortion that has now lasted into its fourth decade. The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court did not settle the issue at all. Far from it. That landma ...

March 9, 2005

The Anglican Debate Sharpens–Lessons for the Whole Church

"Any lasting solution will require people somewhere along the line to say, 'Yes, we were wrong'." Those words were spoken by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams just after the Primates of the Anglican Communion (leaders of the national churches c ...

March 8, 2005

No-Fault Divorce–The End of Marriage?

By now, any observer with a modicum of moral insight is aware that marriage is an institution in crisis. Nevertheless, one of the most significant factors contributing to this crisis is often overlooked, and that one factor has led to the breakup of ...

March 7, 2005

Does Liberalism Have a Future?

Martin Peretz is worried that liberalism has no future in America. Editor-in-Chief of The New Republic, Peretz writes of his concern in a major article published in the 90th anniversary issue of his magazine. "Not Much Left," is a cry from the heart, ...

March 4, 2005

Truth-Telling is Stranger Than It Used to Be, Part Three

Postmodernism represents the unique challenge facing Christianity in this generation. Walter Truett Anderson cleverly described the postmodern reality in his clever book, Reality Isn't What it Used to Be. This is the central claim of postmodernism--r ...

March 3, 2005

Truth-Telling is Stranger Than It Used to Be, Part Two

The rise of postmodernism presents Christians with the undeniable reality that many people simply do not accept the idea that truth is absolute, or even that written texts have a fixed meaning. All claims to truth--especially claims to universally v ...

March 2, 2005

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