
Does God Really Kill People?

March 21, 2019

Latest Genesis

Genesis Archives

Genesis 21:1-21

October 6, 2014

Genesis 19:30-20:18

September 22, 2014

Genesis 19:1-30

June 23, 2014

Genesis 18:1-33

May 27, 2014

Genesis 17:1-27

May 19, 2014

Genesis 16:1-16

May 12, 2014

Genesis 14:1-24

April 21, 2014

Drowning in Distortion — Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah”

My first experience teaching the Bible came when I was asked at the last minute to teach a Sunday School class of first-grade boys. I was only 16 years old, and I did not exactly volunteer to teach the class. I found myself telling a familiar Bible s ...

March 31, 2014

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