
The death of a president

The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...

January 30, 2025

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Is the U.S. Senate really going to redefine marriage?: And it’s not just marriage at stake, but religious freedom as well

Here is a law of politics you can take to the bank: You should be most worried when a legislator smiles patronizingly and assures you that there is nothing to worry about. A group of senators is now telling Americans that the Senate is ready to pass ...

December 15, 2022

The political importance of Pennsylvania was underscored over the weekend as no less than three presidents landed in the swing state in the final weekend of campaigning. President Joe Biden joined former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump in th ...

December 7, 2022

The great evangelical deconstruction: Calvin University to retain faculty who disagree with doctrinal statement on LGBTQ relationships

Whose side will Christian colleges and universities take when LGBTQ identities and Scripture collide? Given the unprecedented pressure to conform to the sexual and gender revolutions, we are about to see another great divide among schools that have i ...

December 4, 2022

Christian parents: Something wicked this way comes

Will Christian parents face criminal charges for resisting the LGBTQ revolution when it comes for their own children? Should the state “protect” LGBTQ children and teenagers from their own parents? Has our society lost its mind? The mainstream media ...

November 17, 2022

Your soul or your job? You choose

Will your church membership cost you your job? It’s not just a hypothetical question. The new chief executive of a major Australian sports franchise lasted exactly one day on the job after a hideous scandal was discovered—he attends an evangelical ch ...

November 5, 2022

A duel for the ages in California

Headlines from the People’s Republic of California rain down like a progressivist flood, and the state’s government is virtually a one-party system when it comes to statewide office. Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed more than a dozen pro-abortion me ...

November 3, 2022

“Whether it be long or short”

“The Queen is dead, long live the King.” The history of the world has revealed only a few lasting arguments for political legitimacy, and the most venerable of all is a hereditary monarchy. In the modern age, no monarch has been the equal of Her M ...

October 9, 2022

Another Iron Lady for Britain?

Balmoral Castle in Scotland, one of the personal residences of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, was yesterday the unprecedented scene for a new British prime minister to begin office. Liz Truss, chosen by members of Britain’s Conservative Party, was ...

October 7, 2022

The meaning of Mikhail Gorbachev

At first glance, the most remarkable thing about the new Soviet leader was that he seemed to have a pulse. Mikhail Gorbachev became the eighth leader of the totalitarian state on March 11, 1985. At age 54, he became general secretary of the Communist ...

October 1, 2022

The evangelical left loses its prophet

Among the vexing aspects of life in a sinful world is the fact that moral qualities are fractured and maldistributed. In other words, we confront persons with bad ideas who are kind, gracious, and principled even as we meet people with good ideas who ...

September 5, 2022

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