At last, Election Day arrives and we will soon (we sincerely hope) know the results of the 2024 presidential election. I’ll start by putting my cards ...
One of the cardinal principles of the Biblical worldview is that all issues interconnect. The fundamental truth is that all truth is God’s truth, and ...
The empire strikes back: An attack on a prominent classical Christian school shows the movement has the liberal establishment running scared A majo...
Former President Jimmy Carter celebrates his 100th birthday today and the nation marks a milestone. Though a few retired presidents have reached a 90t...
There is nothing quite like the start of a new academic year on a college or university campus. Streams of students and faculty return to the timeless patterns of academic life, summoned by the desire for learning and a commitment to teaching. Among ...
Back in 1990, theologian J. I. Packer recounted what he called a "Thirty Years' War" over the inerrancy of the Bible. He traced his involvement in this war in its American context back to a conference held in Wenham, Massachusetts in 1966, when he co ...
Michael Dowd argues that Christians should thank God for the New Atheists. A self-styled "evangelist" for evolution, Dowd recently preached a sermon in Oklahoma City in which he called for nothing less than a rejection of biblical Christianity and th ...
The importance of the decision handed down yesterday by U. S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker in California's Proposition 8 trial will be difficult to exaggerate. Proponents of same-sex marriage immediately declared a major victory -- and for good r ...
No one seems quite sure what to do with agnostics. In a sense, they are the odd cousins at the theological family reunion. The atheists and the theists know where they stand, but the agnostics? Who knows? Writing recently at, Ron Rosenbaum ...
Statistics indicate that a growing number of Americans are marrying someone from outside their own religious commitments. Is this a trend we should encourage? Not if you are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The statistical trend is clear eno ...
From time to time, a column in a newspaper is more revealing than its author probably intended it to be. That seems to be the case with "Myths Widen the Science-Religion Divide" by Elaine Howard Ecklund, published in the July 19, 2010 edition of USA ...
Beauty, says philosopher Roger Scruton, "is never viewed with indifference." Those words come to mind in light of a major article in this week's Newsweek magazine that purports to document the fact that employers show a marked preference for attracti ...
The tragedy of abortion remains one of this nation's greatest reasons for shame, and the fact that over a million abortions are performed each year is nothing less than horrifying. In light of this tragedy, it is at least encouraging to know that abo ...
Anne Eggebroten visited Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, and what she found there shocked her. As a matter of fact, she was so shocked that she wrote about that experience in the July 2010 edition of Sojourners magazine. Readers of h ...