
The death of a president

The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...

January 30, 2025

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You bless it, you bought it: The Church of England’s bishops descend into utter nonsense

After years of study, bishops of the Church of England have announced that they will not allow same-sex marriages within their churches, nor allow their clergy to perform them, but they will allow their priests to “bless” same-sex unions after a civi ...

February 27, 2023

Roe v. Wade and America’s broken conscience: Though now reversed, the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision is an enduring wound to the nation

Yesterday, Jan. 22, 2023, marked exactly 50 years since the Supreme Court of the United States presented the nation with one of its darkest days, handing down the Roe v. Wade decision that invented a woman’s right to abortion out of thin air, imposed ...

February 23, 2023

We have lift off again—and wonder: A launch into space and the power of memory

At first, you hear nothing, and all you see is an explosive cloud of smoke. Then you see the fire, appearing to be brighter than any light on earth. Then you see the rocket lift from the launch pad and slowly rise. Once aloft, the rocket gains veloci ...

February 18, 2023

A warning from Rome: The funeral of Pope Benedict XVI holds big lessons for evangelical Christians

Today’s funeral mass for the Roman Catholic’s Church’s first “pope emeritus,” formerly Pope Benedict XVI, marks yet another first in church history—the first funeral of a pope presided over by a pope. For good reason, evangelical Protestants do not r ...

February 5, 2023

The passing of the Age of Pelosi: There is more to this story than most Americans imagine

The Constitution of the United States calls for a new Congress to convene at noon on the third day of January in odd numbered years. Thus, today marks the arrival of America’s 118th Congress. That fact, taken alone, deserves our attention, and not on ...

February 3, 2023

He is (still) there, and He is not silent: Francis Schaeffer’s classic defense of Christian truth turns 50

One of my personal eccentricities has to do with the way I remember books that have changed my life. I remember them chronologically and spatially. I remember where I was when I first read the book, and when I read it. I also write that information o ...

January 19, 2023

Why draw the line here?: E.J. Dionne asks why conservative Christians continue to resist gay marriage

Columnist E.J. Dionne of The Washington Post may sometimes be infuriating, but he is never unintelligent. After graduating from Harvard, Dionne was named a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford where he earned a doctorate in sociology. He is always thoughtful, an ...

January 13, 2023

To preserve, protect, and defend: A president’s most important promise is to defend the Constitution

The founders of the American republic included some of the most intelligent, thoughtful, and politically aware leaders in all political history. They had been students of history and government, had won a revolution, and now they were forgers of a ne ...

January 7, 2023

A massive victory for the moral revolutionaries: Yesterday, the United States Senate surrendered marriage

Yesterday was not just another day in the life of the United States Senate. It was not just another bad day in Senate history. What happened yesterday represents an abject failure to uphold the most basic institution of human civilization. The Senate ...

December 30, 2022

The parable of David French: This is how conservatism dies, and this is how marriage is surrendered

From time to time, just one human story becomes something akin to a modern parable. David French—writer, lawyer, public intellectual—is now that person. It is no insult to say that French, in himself, contains multitudes. In two recent articles, Fren ...

December 21, 2022

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