President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...
The Culture of Death scores in Britain: A post-Christian society surrenders to “assisted death” Once again, the Culture of Death scored big last we...
Collapse in the cathedral: A scandal in the Church of England reveals big lessons for all Christians Headlines around the world last week told of t...
It was a night to remember. We went into Tuesday evening with the constant reminder that the presidential race would be among the tightest in recent h...
Professor Stanley Hauerwas of Duke University's Divinity School is a man who enjoys probing questions and has a habit of irritating the faithful. In a recent edition of The Guardian, London's famed newspaper of record for the political Left, Hauerwas ...
The news that the Crystal Cathedral had filed for bankruptcy protection made for an instant sensation. The church established by Robert Schuller, the very prophet of "Possibility Thinking," was now forced to seek protection from its creditors, listin ...
One of America’s most brilliant voices on behalf of the unborn is now silent. Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first black woman to graduate from the Harvard Medical School, died on October 15 at her home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. When the infamous Roe ...
"I mean, I have my beliefs in my head," the young man said. "But I don't enjoy the whole religious scene. I'm not really into it like some people are. I have my beliefs, I believe that's the way it is, and the way it should be, and I go to church eve ...
The "Sunday Styles" section of The New York Times is often a useful barometer of the culture. On October 17, that section featured a front-page spread entitled, "From Boys to Men," and the article is a sign of something larger than mere fashion and a ...
Michael Shermer publishes Skeptic magazine, teaches at Claremont Graduate University, and writes a regular column for Scientific American. He is an ardent defender of evolutionary theory and a well-known critic of all supernatural claims. In today's ...
Jerry A. Coyne is not one to pull punches. A professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago, Coyne is an ardent defender of evolution and an equally ardent opponent of any "friendship" between science and religion. ...
Does America worship four different gods? Cathy Lynn Grossman of USA Today gives considerable attention to a recent study undertaken by two sociologists at Baylor University. The professors, Paul Froese and Christopher Bader, report their findings in ...
Well, you never know what a day holds. This morning, Yahoo put the Associated Press story about my article on yoga on its front page. The rest, as they say, is history. My mail servers are exhausted. Messages have been coming in at a rate of about a ...
By all accounts Tyler Clementi was an 18-year-old young man who was excited to be a freshman in college, gifted as a violinist, and looking forward to the future. All that changed last week when he walked out onto the massive George Washington Bridge ...