The death of a president

The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...

January 30, 2025

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Is Cap and Trade for Babies Next?

Just when you thought you'd seen everything, a pair of scientists at Oregon State University has published a study arguing that any effort to limit carbon emissions must consider the impact of "reproductive choices" on the ecological equation. Paul ...

August 12, 2009

Polyamory — The Perfectly Plural Postmodern Condition

Once a sexual revolution is set loose, it inevitably runs its course through the culture.  While the current flashpoints of cultural conflict are focused on same-sex marriage and gender issues, others are biding their time.  As Newsweek magazine make ...

August 10, 2009

The Cooking Creature — A Call for Recovered Wisdom

In the Age of Enlightenment, James Boswell defined cooking as a distinctive mark of humanity. Humans, he argued, are "the cooking animal." While most living creatures eat, only human beings cook. Or, as writer Michael Pollan laments, humans used to c ...

August 7, 2009

A House Divided?

Less than a month after the Episcopal Church voted to end its commitment to a moratorium on the election of openly homosexual priests as bishops, one of the largest and most liberal diocese of the Church has nominated two openly homosexual clergy to ...

August 5, 2009

The Case for (Early) Marriage

Shifts in a culture are often signaled by unexpected developments that represent far more than may first meet the eye. The cover story in the August 2009 edition of Christianity Today may signal such a shift among American evangelicals. In this case ...

August 3, 2009

Christian Missions in the Third Millennium

Now facing its third millennium, the Christian church faces a moment of great historical importance and opportunity. The modern missionary movement is now over two centuries old. Looking back over those years, it is clear that God mobilized His peopl ...

July 30, 2009

The Culture of Offendedness?

A new and unprecedented right is now the central focus of legal, procedural, and cultural concern in many corridors--a supposed right not to be offended. The cultural momentum behind this purported "right" is growing fast, and the logic of this movem ...

July 27, 2009

Sorry, President Carter . . . This Argument Falls Flat

For critics of the Southern Baptist Convention, former President Jimmy Carter is the gift that just keeps on giving. Over the last several days, yet another round of news reports has trumpeted the news that the former president has resigned his membe ...

July 23, 2009

Nature-Deficit Disorder — Have Our Children Forgotten How to Play Outdoors?

Author Richard Louv believes that America's children are now suffering from a syndrome he identifies as "nature-deficit disorder." In his new book, Last Child in the Woods, Louv suggests that the current generation of American children knows the Disc ...

July 20, 2009

The Bishop Discovers Heresy?

Several years ago, Methodist theologian Thomas C. Oden announced a most unusual quest: "I am earnestly looking for some church milieu wherein the sober issue of heresy can at least be examined," he declared.  He added, "I am looking, like Diogenes wi ...

July 17, 2009