Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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John F. Kennedy in Houston, Fifty Years Later

On September 12, 1960, Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States, went to Texas and addressed the Greater Houston Ministerial Alliance. The background to Kennedy's speech was ardent opposition to his Ca ...

September 16, 2010

I May Be a Baptist, But I Am Not A Moron, Says Evolutionist

Writing at, Chris Mooney responds to my critique of his essay in Monday's USA Today. After citing my criticism of his argument that a vague "spirituality" will bridge the divide between science and religion, he reasserts his thesis: "Th ...

September 15, 2010

The War Between Spirituality and Science Is Over

There are many arenas of cultural and intellectual conflict in the world today, but one of the most controversial of these arenas has disappeared. There is now no conflict between spirituality and science. The war is over, the combatants have gone ho ...

September 13, 2010

Mission and Metropolis: The Church and the City

The human future is an urban future. In one of the greatest social shifts of all human history, over half of all living humans now inhabit cities. Driven by population shifts, immigration, and human reproduction, massive new cities are springing up a ...

September 10, 2010

No Need for God? Stephen Hawking Defies Divine Creation

By any measure, Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous and influential figures in modern science. For thirty years, he served as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and his career before and after his decades in that ...

September 7, 2010

The Predicament — Francis Collins, Human Embryos, Evolution, and the Sanctity of Human Life

Francis Collins stands at the very summit of the scientific community. He successfully led the massive effort to map the entire human genome, bringing the project to completion ahead of time and under budget. He now serves as director of the National ...

September 3, 2010

Never Having to Say You’re Dead? The New Interest in Reincarnation

Dr. Paul DeBell believes that he was once a caveman. Not only that, he is fairly certain that his life as a caveman ended violently. "I was going along, going along, going along, and I got eaten," said the psychiatrist. To his life as a caveman, Dr. ...

August 30, 2010

‘Prettifying’ Darwin — A Timely Look at a Losing Strategy

The American literary critic Frederick Crews once spoke of defenders of evolutionary theory who attempt to make Darwinism appear more congenial to the Christian faith than it truly is. These defenders, Crews wrote, present a vision of Darwin and Darw ...

August 27, 2010

On Darwin and Darwinism: A Letter to Professor Giberson

An open letter to Professor Karl Giberson, in answer to his posting, "How Darwin Sustains My Baptist Search for Truth." Dear Professor Giberson: I read with interest your posting at The Huffington Post, brought to my attention by friends. I will re ...

August 25, 2010

Why Aren’t ‘Emerging Adults’ Emerging as Adults?

The New York Times Magazine addresses an important question in its August 22, 2010 cover story -- "What Is It About 20-Somethings?" With this cover story, the venerable newspaper gives cultural attention to a phenomenon some now call "failure to laun ...

August 23, 2010