Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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The Emergence of Digital Childhood — Is This Really Wise?

The easiest way to infuriate the young is to lean into nostalgia. Nevertheless, it's hard not to be nostalgic for a childhood in which the basic equipment for elementary school was pretty much limited to notebooks, pencils, and an occasional ruler. T ...

November 30, 2011

The Cain Mutiny — Character Doesn’t End at the Bedroom Door

Just a few months ago, Herman Cain was unknown to most Americans. The former CEO of Godfather's Pizza and former head of the National Restaurant Association caught the attention of the public with his entry into the 2012 race for the Republican presi ...

November 29, 2011

My Letter to the Southern Seminary Community: Our Duty to Report

This letter to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College community was released in the wake of the tragedy and scandal at Penn State University, and in honor of all those who have experienced such abuse. ___________________________ ...

November 18, 2011

We’re All Harry Blackmun Now — The Lessons of Mississippi

When voters in Mississippi voted down the human personhood amendment last week, they sent a clear and undeniable message -- the pro-life movement is not as pro-life as it thinks it is. The truth is that, even in what may be the most pro-life state in ...

November 17, 2011

The Tragic Lessons of Penn State — A Call to Action

No one thought it would end this way. Joe Paterno, the legendary head football coach at Penn State University heard of his firing by the school's board of trustees by phone last night. Just two weeks after achieving the most wins of any NCAA Division ...

November 10, 2011

A Tale of Two Colleges

Shorter University and Mercer University are institutions of higher education in Georgia, and both have been historically related to the Georgia Baptist Convention -- the state's largest Baptist group. Both schools have been in the news in recent day ...

November 8, 2011

Does Joel Osteen Not Know, or Does He Not Care?

Here we go again. Joel Osteen is in the news once again, this time for saying that Mormonism is just another form of Christianity. Osteen, pastor of "America's largest church," as the media repeat over and over, was speaking to The Washington Times i ...

October 26, 2011

Total Capitulation: The Evangelical Surrender of Truth

Evangelical Christians are not surprised to find themselves analyzed and criticized within the pages of the secular press. After all, the truth claims that characterize authentic evangelicalism are increasingly seen as unusual (and perhaps even dange ...

October 25, 2011

In the Danger Zone: Raising Our Children in the Age of the Screen

We are now the people of the screen. We are surrounded by screens, monitors, and other flickering devices, and each demands our attention. What began with the television has now spread to a host of other technologies. Our minds are increasingly shape ...

October 21, 2011

Would You Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

Would you attend a same-sex wedding ceremony? That question was posed recently to Houston pastor Joel Osteen, and Osteen said that he would attend, if the wedding involved friends. This came just after Osteen indicated that he could not perform a sam ...

October 18, 2011