The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...
Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...
The meaning of the president’s second term in office Monday was one of those very few days that draw a line in the sands of history. Amer...
The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...
The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics maintains a list of recognized job descriptions, and that list has been undergoing a lot of change in recent years. Some jobs have disappeared entirely. There is little call for lamplighters and ice cutters today, ...
French President François Hollande recently announced that he wants French schools to put an end to homework. That is certain to thrill school children in the nation, but the reason for Hollande's war on homework will likely puzzle many French citize ...
Russia is in the grip of an apocalyptic fever. The New York Times reports that Russians across the nation's nine time zones are in the grip of a mass hysteria of sorts -- and it's all about the end of the world. As Ellen Barry reports: "Inmates in ...
Writing a generation ago, sociologist Christopher Lasch pointed to the weakening of the family as the most significant and dangerous development of our times. In his book, Haven in a Heartless World, Lasch described the breakdown of the natural famil ...
TODAY 1. The Supreme Court and Same-Sex Marriage -- A Decision Not to Decide is Still a Decision. 2. First Same-Sex Marriage in West Point's Chapel -- What it Means. 3. Sharia Law Combines with Autocracy in Egypt. 4. The Two-Edged Sword of Palestinia ...
TODAY: Another Decision Day at the Supreme Court -- Marriage on the Line / Does the Fiscal Cliff Really Matter? / The Gender Police Hit a Toy Store / The United Nations Grants Palestinians Observer State Status, But Where is the State? I discuss all ...
TODAY: The Digital Divide -- Where the Young People Are / Filtering the Flood in the Digital Age / Are Hindus and Muslims Better at Practicing what They Preach? / The Rise of Muslim Atheists? / You Mean Judges Have Worldviews, Too? I discuss all thes ...
TODAY: The Perils of Powerball --The Losing Game of the Lottery / The Deadly Danger of a New Prenatal Test / Abortions Fall by Five Percent . . . Good News or Strange Math? / An Actor Says Watching His Own Show is "Filling Your Head With Filth" / The ...
TODAY: What the Christmas Buying Season Says About Us / The Perils of State Sponsored Religious Education / Atheist Group Gets Major Funding at a State University / Paul Krugman Wants to Marginalize Opponents of Evolution / The Last Typewriter Leaves ...
TODAY: Autocracy in Egypt as Morsi Launches an Islamist Coup / The Real Aims of Hamas / India Executes a Terrorist / An Oklahoma Judge Sentences a Teenager to Church / Larry Hagman Dies -- But Is Death Really "Just Another Stage in Our Development?" ...