Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Albert Mohler on Fox News: Newsweek on the Bible

  To view the original article, click here. Watch the latest video at ...

December 30, 2014

Newsweek on the Bible — So Misrepresented It’s a Sin

Newsweek magazine decided to greet the start of 2015 with a massive cover story on the Bible. For decades now, major news magazines have tended to feature cover articles timed for Christmas and Easter, taking an opportunity to consider some major que ...

December 29, 2014

Joy to the World — Even So Lord, Come Quickly

As Christmas Eve arrives we are reminded of the historic Christian prayer prayed by so many Christians through two millennia of Christian experience and bathed in Christian hope, “Even so Lord, come quickly.” But of course we can only utter that urge ...

December 24, 2014

“And Them That Mourn — Celebrating Christmas in the Face of Grief and Death”

Families across the Christian world are gathering for Christmas even now, with caravans of cars and planeloads of passengers headed to hearth and home. Christmas comes once again, filled with the joy, expectation, and sentiment of the season. It is a ...

December 23, 2014

Moses Without the Supernatural — Ridley Scott’s “Exodus: Gods and Kings”

Timed for a Christmas season release, director Ridley Scott's intended blockbuster, Exodus: Gods and Kings hit the big screens this past weekend. On its opening weekend the movie shot to the top of the box office charts, displacing the latest Hunger ...

December 15, 2014

“To Give Knowledge of Salvation to His People: A Christmas Mandate for Christian Ministry”

So many moments of our lives pass with almost no sense of significance. The twenty four hours in a day fade into the memory of the seven days of the week, then the thirty-odd days of a month, and then months into years. The years pass into the mist o ...

December 12, 2014

The Only Intelligible Explanation for the Incarnation: A. T. Robertson on the Virgin Birth of Christ

The Christmas season comes each year with the expected flurry of media attention to the biblical accounts of Christ’s conception and birth. The general thrust of the secular media is often incredulity toward the fact that so many people still believe ...

December 9, 2014

The Ferguson Moment—A Moral Test for the Nation

This is an edited transcript of The Briefing podcast from early Tuesday morning, November 25, 2014, hours after the Ferguson, Missouri grand jury announcement. The grand jury decision Americans were waiting for came Monday night in the suburbs of ...

November 26, 2014

Sexual Orientation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ

I recently addressed a major national conference on "The Gospel, Homosexuality, and the Future of Marriage" held by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. As expected, the conference was one of the most respon ...

November 13, 2014

In Defense of Marriage and the Rule of Law — The Importance of Making the Right Argument

Some arguments just have to be made, and made well. In the case of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, the moment for such an argument arrived last week when that court had to rule on appeals over the question of same-sex marria ...

November 11, 2014