The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...
Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...
The meaning of the president’s second term in office Monday was one of those very few days that draw a line in the sands of history. Amer...
The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...
In Liverpool, a very little boy is still struggling for his precious little life. Alfie Evans was born on May 9, 2016. Under normal circumstances, he and his proud parents would be about to celebrate his second birthday. But Alfie suffered seizures ...
The Great Commission stands at the center of Christianity as the command of the risen Lord Jesus Christ for his church to proclaim the name of God in the world for the sake of all nations and God’s glory among them. The church fulfills the commission ...
The pattern of the Christian year is an exercise of the Church’s discipline. The annual celebrations of Christmas and Resurrection Day force the Church to ponder again the truths of Christ’s incarnation and resurrection. Christians understand that ...
Billy Graham died yesterday at the age of 99. Graham was one of the titanic figures of American evangelicalism and his life spanned some of the interesting and tumultuous years of world history. We cannot even speak about 20th-century evangelicalism ...
Theological disaster almost never strikes out of the blue. Trouble builds and disaster is somehow averted again and again, but anyone with eyes to see knows the time is running out. Time has run out for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The CBF ...
This article is an excerpt from my new book, The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord's Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution, which releases today. We long for revolution. Something within us cries out that the world is horribly broke ...
One of the most amazing statements by the Apostle Paul is his indictment of the Galatian Christians for abandoning the Gospel. “I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel,” Paul dec ...
Major media across the country have given a great deal of attention to a recent research report that comes from the Pew Research Center. The headline from the Pew website is this, “Americans Say Religious Aspects of Christmas Are Declining in Publ ...
Most merciful Father, who hast been pleased to take unto thyself the soul of this thy servant; Grant to us who are still in our pilgrimage, and who walk as yet by faith, that having served thee with constancy on earth, we may be joined hereafter with ...
Many Christians would be surprised, and perhaps even disappointed, to learn that the song often cited as our favorite Christmas carol is not actually a Christmas carol at all. The famed hymn writer Isaac Watts published "Joy to the World" in 1719. Mi ...