Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Delaying Babies = Defying Nature and Risking Heartbreak

Here's a bit of common sense verified by science and modern medicine. Delaying marriage often leads to a delay in having babies. Now, BBC News reports that women delaying children until after age 35 are risking both health and heartbreak. Over the la ...

September 17, 2005

Brave New World Watch — Offshore Artificial Insemination Clinics

The Guardian [London} reports: Fertility ships where British couples will be able to receive treatment forbidden in the UK could soon be anchored off the coast in international waters. Entrepreneurs are planning to hire ships to offer treatments that ...

September 17, 2005

The Role She Wants to Fill — Stay-At-Home Mother

Grace Dyck offers a troubling view into her experience as a student in a 'Family Studies" course at the university level. "Finally, I thought. I'll get some solid instruction to aide me as I build a family. Wrong again." She was enrolled in several c ...

September 16, 2005

So Gender Does Matter After All — Even in the Classroom

Newsweek reports that educators are finding that boys and girls learn differently - leading to a reconsideration of educating boys and girls together in the same classroom. In "Boy Brains, Girl Brains," reporter Peg Tyre lays out the story -- and the ...

September 16, 2005

“Sex and Religion in Migration” No, I’m Not Making this Up

The Yale Institute of Sacred Music, The Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian & Gay Studies, and other Yale University programs have announced a conference entitled, "Sex and Religion in Migration." Curious? See the announcement: Welcome to the web ...

September 15, 2005

The Pledge of Allegiance Controversy

My commentary for today, "Is the Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional?," deals with the meaning of Judge Lawrence Karlton's ruling that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in the public schools is unconstitutional. The fallout from this ridic ...

September 15, 2005

Cosmetic Products from the Skin of Executed Prisoners?

The Guardian [London] reports that a Chinese cosmetic company is preparing a line of beauty products for sale in Europe that uses skin harvested from the corpses of executed prisoners. Consider these excerpts from the paper's investigative report: A ...

September 15, 2005

Redefining Humanity Through “Transformation Art?”

While on the subject of the ethics of cosmetic surgery, look back with me to an art exhibit held earlier this year at the New York Academy of Sciences in Manhattan. "Face Value: Personal Surgery & Transformation Art" was on exhibit back in the sp ...

September 15, 2005

More Americans Living Alone

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that more Americans are living in single-person households. According to a report in the Associated Press, "the number of Americans living alone has exceeded the number of households comprised of the classic nuclear fam ...

September 14, 2005

Hamsters Impacted by Cigarette Smoke

From the latest scientific research: Hamsters exposed to cigarette smoke are significantly less likely to conceive, according to a recent study from the University of California at Riverside. The researchers found that he microscopic hairs, or cilia, ...

September 14, 2005