Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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So Much for Conscience in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle has vetoed a bill that would have expanded that state's medical conscience clause to allow medical professionals to "opt out" of participating in certain medical procedures such as removing a patient's feeding tube or usi ...

October 17, 2005

What is the Stem Cell Debate Really About?

Two possible breakthroughs in human stem cell research were announced Sunday in Nature, one of the world's most respected scientific journals. In "'Ethical' Routes to Stem Cells highlight Political Divide," Erika Check and Carina Dennis report that s ...

October 17, 2005

Another Less-Than-Noble Nobel Prize

The Swedish Academy announced Thursday that the 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature had been awarded to British playwright Harold Pinter. The Academy released a statement explaining that "Harold Pinter is generally seen as the foremost representative of B ...

October 14, 2005

The End of Faith? On the Future of Atheism

Ronald Aronson offers an interesting review essay in the current issue of BookForum. The topic is atheism and Aronson thinks that "it is irreligion, and not religion, that is on the defensive today." Nearly forty years after TIME's famous cover that ...

October 14, 2005

Happy Birthday, Baroness Thatcher — Britain’s Iron Lady Turns 80

Margaret Thatcher turns 80 today, and the world is reminded once again of her courage, strength of character, and statecraft. In London, a large birthday party is planned, and the Queen is expected to attend (an unusual recognition of Lady Thatcher's ...

October 13, 2005

The Architecture of Megachurches — What Do These Buildings Mean?

Architecture critic Witold Rybczynski offers an essay and slide show on modern megachurches at The photography is striking, but Rbyczynski's definition of megachurch has everything to do with the size of the building -- not theology (the n ...

October 13, 2005

Children Need Mothers — No Kidding

Last week, British newspapers reported that a research study had indicated that children raised by their mothers perform better than those who spend time in daycare or other institutional settings. As The Telegraph [London] reported, Mothers were i ...

October 12, 2005

Priorities and Accountability in Times of Crisis

Over at OneTrueGodBlog, Hugh Hewitt asked for principles that would help guide Christians in making decisions about how to respond to human needs with financial support and disaster relief. The awful earthquake in Pakistan comes quick on the heels o ...

October 11, 2005

The Condescension of the Secular Left

In the current issue of New York magazine, writer Kurt Andersen takes on the Intelligent Design movement. Actually, he takes on the entire structure of Christian belief. His assertion of agnosticism is unremarkable in the elite urban culture of New ...

October 11, 2005

The Heretic’s Story — A Play About John Shelby Spong

"There are three states of the soul -- ignorance, opinion, knowledge -- those who are in ignorance are the Pagans, those in knowledge, the true Church, and those in opinion, the Heretics." --Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata. The Los Angeles Times ...

October 10, 2005