The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...
Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...
The meaning of the president’s second term in office Monday was one of those very few days that draw a line in the sands of history. Amer...
The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...
Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, has accused White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove of leaking word that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. I raise this public controversy, still raging in the medi ...
Word of "The 100-Minute Bible" has now reached The New York Times, which has published a report by Edward Wyatt. Wyatt's article describes "The 100-Minute Bible" as a condensation of the Bible into 50 pages, each with a segment designed to be read i ...
Hurricane Wilma caused considerable damage across South Florida, but, in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, this devastation received little national attention. South Florida is my home area, and my parents, siblings, and extended family remai ...
A deadly tornado struck near Evansville, Indiana overnight, killing at least 23 persons as most were asleep. At least thirty other victims remained in critical condition as evening fell. The storm also caused damage in Henderson, Kentucky, where it t ...
The Guardian [London] reports that Bishop Gene Robinson -- the first openly homosexual bishop of the Episcopal Church USA, met this week with Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in London. According to the paper, the crisis sparked by B ...
Just recently, I discussed the article by Professor Peter Singer in the "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow" series published in the September/October issue of Foreign Policy. The series is now available on-line, and that allows a look at another article in t ...
I recently picked up another volume in "The Old Testament Library" series of biblical commentaries. Leviticus: A Commentary was written by Erhard S. Gerstenberger, professor of Old Testament at Philipps-Universitat, Marburg, Germany. Translated into ...
Andrew M. Siegel of The New Republic warns liberals that Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr., President Bush's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court is very dangerous indeed. Specifically, he warns that Judge Alito's geniality and personal graciousness make him e ...
Are we entering a great new era of hymnody? There are signs of hope, and we can see the emergence of new hymn writers and composers who combine the best of old and new, recovering the ancient form in a new age. Best of all, these hymns are rich in bi ...
Doctors at Houston's Baylor College of Medicine are set to begin a "sex selection" study that will allow parents to choose the gender of their baby. Up to 200 couples are to be given the opportunity to choose either a male or female embryo to be pla ...