Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

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Barry Bonds, Steroids, and the Honor of Sports

Last Friday, on the radio program we discussed the Barry Bonds controversy and the Sports Illustrated cover story that documents his use and abuse of steroids and his association with some of the darkest figures hanging around the world of profession ...

March 13, 2006

Why Do Boys Read Girls’ Books?

Now here is a pressing and urgent question: Why would boys read books written for girls--books like the Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House" series? Emily Bazelon, mother of two sons, thinks she has figured it out. "The conventional educational wisdo ...

March 10, 2006

Peggy Noonan on George Clooney

"We are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while," said George Clooney, accepting his Oscar as Best Supporting Actor. "I think it's probably a good thing," he added. Mr. Clooney has transformed himself into a political activist w ...

March 10, 2006

Fair Trade, Free Trade, and the Coffee Trade — What Do These Labels Mean?

How should one buy a cup of coffee? In times past, this hardly seemed to be a great moral question, but now things are different. Some coffee brands are listed as "Fair trade," which seems to imply that other coffee brands may be less than fairly tra ...

March 9, 2006

Why Not Privatize Marriage? Here’s Why

Law professor Colin P. A. Jones argues that marriage should be privatized -- severed from public control and laws. Writing in The San Francisco Chronicle, he set forth his case: A fundamental problem with marriage is that it only comes in one size. ...

March 9, 2006

Augustine Defends the Virgin Birth

In Augustine's time, as now, the doctrine of the Virgin Birth was under sustained attack. The key difference is that, in his time, the enemies of the doctrine did not often claim to be Christians. Here is a choice selection from William Griffin's t ...

March 8, 2006

Why Do Couples have Children, Anyway?

Katherine Marsh of The New Republic is hoping to have a baby, so she is taking a folic acid vitamin after breakfast each day. Folic acid, she explains, "is the gateway drug to parenthood--the idea of having a child becomes serious when you start wor ...

March 8, 2006

The Presbyterian Controversy — Look for Yourself

My commentary for today, "The Limits of Conscience and the Authority of the Word of God," takes a look at the trial of Rev. Jane Adams Spahr within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and considers what it means when an individual claims a right of priv ...

March 8, 2006

The Academy Awards — How Much Does Hollywood Really Matter?

In the aftermath of the 2006 Academy Awards ceremony, the big story appears to be the fact that Brokeback Mountain didn't receive the Best Motion Picture of the Year award. After all, the hype and promotion surrounding the Oscar celebration centered ...

March 7, 2006

Richard Baxter — “A Pen in God’s Hand”

Christian History magazine offers a major article on Richard Baxter in its Winter 2006 issue. This will whet your appetite for more: The Reformed Pastor, published in 1656, was the culmination of Baxter's thinking about the ministerial role and ...

March 6, 2006