Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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God Talk is Not a Game

Back in June, I commented on the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s vote to "receive" a report advocating the use of alternative language for the Trinity. The proposed "triads" include "Rainbow, Ark and Dove," "Speaker, Word and Breath," "Overflowing Fon ...

July 17, 2006

No Need for a Father?

Britain's government is set to revise the nation's Fertilisation and Embryology Act next year and the new law will represent a cultural shift that reaches far beyond the issue of reproductive technologies. The new law will replace the words "need fo ...

July 17, 2006

A Courageous Court Decision — Moral Clarity and Legal Restraint in New York

The decision against same-sex marriage handed down July 6 by the New York Court of Appeals (that state's highest court) continues to send shock waves across the nation. The first wave of media coverage focused on the fact that the court found no basi ...

July 14, 2006

India’s Missing Daughters

Can anything break the commitment of ideological feminists to abortion? A report out of India will test that question. According to The Daily Mail [London], at least 10 million baby girls have been aborted in India over the last twenty years – and li ...

July 13, 2006

The Media Elite Strike Again — Who Is Out of Touch?

America's media elite prove themselves time and again to be out of touch with the American people. Just consider a recent editorialin The Los Angeles Times. In this piece, the paper's editors lament the fact that the highest courts of New York and G ...

July 13, 2006

The Death of True Feminism — Harvey Mansfield Calls for a Recovery

Harvey C. Mansfield, William R. Kenan Professor of Government at Harvard University, and author of the recent book, Manliness, delivered an important commencement address at Hillsdale College in Michigan. In "A New Feminism" [published in Imprimis, ...

July 12, 2006

Is Marriage Making a Comeback Among the Young?

This is the season of weddings. My wife and I will attend three weddings in the span of eight days this week or so. These are wonderful Christian young people who are deeply committed believers and who are taking to marriage with full biblical seriou ...

July 12, 2006

Has Michael Kinsley Found Our Weak Spot? On the Logic of the Embryo

Michael Kinsley, now a columnist for Slate, thinks he has caught evangelical Christians and others in the pro-life movement in a net of hypocrisy. As he sees it, when many pro-lifers argue against the use (and necessary destruction) of human embryos ...

July 10, 2006

“Paying For Its Sins?” Charlotte Allen on Liberal Christianity

Charlotte Allen, an editor at Beliefnet, offers a very insightful (and intentionally controversial) opinion column in Sunday's edition of The Los Angeles Times. From her essay: You want to have gay sex? Be a female bishop? Change God's name to Sophi ...

July 10, 2006

Confirmation Bias in a Fallen World

Michael Shermer of Scientific American offers an interesting column on confirmation bias. Mr. Shermer is prone to biological reductionism (as evidenced in this article) and his primary interest in this article is politics, but his column raises a ba ...

July 7, 2006