Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Don’t Trust a Theory You Cannot Sing

The theory of evolution, inevitably expanded into a worldview, must explain everything, if it explains anything. Rightly understood, evolutionary theory attempts to explain virtually all dimensions of reality. As evolutionists like Daniel Dennett exp ...

September 5, 2006

Leisure and Labor — Two Gifts from God

Christians understand labor as a duty, but miss the fact that it is a gift. In the first place, God has made us able to work -- to manipulate things, to cultivate the ground, to manage herds, and to invent microprocessors. Secondly, He has allowed us ...

September 4, 2006

To See Ourselves as Others See Us

The truth often hurts, and there is a good bit of truth in Peter Feuerherd's analysis of American evangelicalism. Feuerherd is a Catholic journalist writing something of field manual to evangelicalism for his fellow Catholics. His book, Holyland USA: ...

September 1, 2006

What Do You Have to Do to Get Kicked Out of a Pulpit Around Here?

David Jenkins has been one of Britain's most controversial figures for some time. From 1984 to 1994 he served as Bishop of Durham -- a post that gave him quite a platform for his radical theology. In more recent years, he has been known as an ardent ...

September 1, 2006

Pagans Ancient and Modern

Joy Davidman, the wife of C. S. Lewis, wrote a commentary on the Ten Commandments entitled, Smoke on the Mountain. In this brilliant passage, she offered a keen observation on the difference between ancient and modern paganism: The old pagans had to ...

August 31, 2006

Is Monotheism Dangerous? Gore Vidal Against the “Sky-God”

If you are still wondering why the secular worldview is inherently opposed to the Christian understanding of reality, consider this attack on monotheism from Gore Vidal, one of the scions of the literary Left: Now to the root of the matter. The gre ...

August 31, 2006

Ready for This? Harvard’s E. O. Wilson Writes to an Imaginary Southern Baptist Pastor

A rather amazing proposal comes in the form of a letter written by Harvard's radical sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson to an "imagined Southern Baptist pastor." What he proposes is a common commitment to work together for the protection of biodiversity ...

August 30, 2006

The Commercialization of Divorce?

The Ford Motor Corporation has decided that divorce just might sell cars and trucks. This bizarre conclusion is the only explanation for a new television "Bold Moves" advertising series the company has undertaken. As The New York Times explained [ar ...

August 30, 2006

On Homosexuality — A Change of Heart by the Archbishop of Canterbury?

The Telegraph [London] reports that Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has changed his views on homosexuality, now affirming a far more traditional understanding than had characterized his earlier thinking. Rowan Williams has distanced him ...

August 29, 2006

Does the Teacher’s Gender Matter? Apparently Yes

Thomas Dee, a professor at Swarthmore College and visiting scholar at Stanford University, has released a study indicating that boys learn better when taught by men and girls learn better when taught by women. Here is how his findings were reporte ...

August 29, 2006