Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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The Church, the Bible, and the Body of Christ

Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, faces an incredible challenge as he attempts to hold the worldwide Anglican Communion together. The communion is torn apart by debates over sexuality, biblical authority, and a range of related issues ...

June 22, 2007

Clueless in Seattle — Can You Be Both a Christian and a Muslim?

Members of the Episcopal Church must brace themselves these days when they pick up the newspaper. The church is currently roiled by controversies over homosexuality and a host of other issues. Indeed, the Episcopal Church, US [ECUSA] is in danger of ...

June 20, 2007

Our greeting cards betray us. According to Hallmark, Americans gave approximately 103 million Father's Day cards this past weekend, but only half of those were given to fathers. As Heather MacDonald reports in City Journal, Hallmark's 2007 line of o ...

June 19, 2007

“Fathers Are Not Fungible” — Why Fathers Matter

Father's Day is fast becoming America's most socially awkward holiday. The reason is very simple -- the culture increasingly sees fathers as accessories, not as necessities. In some communities, as many as eighty percent of all babies are born to si ...

June 18, 2007

Why is Hollywood Afraid of Abortion?

Gerard Baker asks an interesting question - If Hollywood is so liberal, why is it afraid of abortion? Writing in The Times [London], Baker points to a pair of recent Hollywood releases, both of which deal with the issue of an unplanned and unwanted ...

June 15, 2007

Books for the Backpack — Recommended Summer Reading

Summer is supposed to be a season of rest and relaxation -- at least in theory.  As one wit remarked, "A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken." Fair enough.  But ev ...

June 8, 2007

A Tale of Two Crises? America, Europe, and Secularism

America is becoming more secular while Europe is growing less secular? That counter-intuitive analysis is offered by Ross Douthat in the current issue of The Atlantic. In "Crises of Faith," Douthat argues that secularism is on the rise in the United ...

June 7, 2007

So There Are Limits After All

Humanity now stands before a great and unavoidable question -- Do human beings face any natural limits? The rise of new medical and biological technologies threatens to redefine what it means to be human, even as an ideological revolution has led ma ...

June 6, 2007

Avoiding “Nature-Deficit Disorder” — It’s About Theology, Not Therapy

Welcome to summer 2007 and the latest diagnosis of a problem among the younger set -- "nature-deficit disorder." A generation of children is growing up without much contact with nature, or the outdoor world in general. Leave it to Americans to expla ...

June 5, 2007

New Post at Conventional Thinking — “Triumph or Tragedy? A Church Set to Make History”

At Conventional Thinking, my Web site dedicated to issues of concern to the Southern Baptist Convention, there is a major new posting on the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia and the fact that the church is set to elect a woman as pastor on Ju ...

June 5, 2007