President Biden’s unpardonable pardon

President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...

January 4, 2025

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Heresy Precedes Homosexuality

The mere fact that the Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson is the Episcopal Church's first openly homosexual bishop ensures that he will be a media celebrity on both sides of the Atlantic. To a great extent, he has become a symbol to both conservatives and libera ...

August 20, 2007

Heresy in the Cathedral

The Rt. Rev. Peter Jensen, Australia's Archbishop of Sydney, is making headlines for denying a heretic access to the pulpits of the churches under his care. The heretic is the retired bishop of Newark, New Jersey, The Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong -- a ...

August 16, 2007

Why the Baby Bust?

Azure is a serious journal of ideas that states its mission as providing "ideas for the Jewish nation." In the Summer 2007 edition [Jewish year 5767], assistant editor Noah Pollak deals with the reality of the European baby bust. Pollak deals first ...

August 15, 2007

Why Heresy Matters — A Remembrance

The concept of orthodoxy requires the concept of heresy. If we are warned by the Apostle Paul to "follow the pattern of sound words" [2 Timothy 1:13], there must be a pattern of unsound words that we are to avoid. The very concept of truth requires t ...

August 14, 2007

The Fate of the Family and the Future of the Church

Is the future of our congregations tied to the fate of the family? Professor W. Bradford Wilcox of the University of Virginia is sure that this is so, and his research and analysis is impossible to ignore. In his essay, "As the Family Goes," publishe ...

August 13, 2007

Is This How the West Really Lost God?

Does worldview determine behavior or does behavior determine worldview? In the end, the process must certainly work both ways. An individual's basic worldview surely determines moral choices and behaviors. But habits of life and moral context can als ...

August 10, 2007

A Threat to the Disabled . . . and to Us All

The state of Oregon legalized a form of assisted suicide in 1994, but its neighbor to the south, the nation's most populous state, has no such provision. Efforts in California to pass legislation allowing assisted suicide have failed five times over ...

August 9, 2007

Worldviews Matter — The Culture War in Europe

The cultural and ideological divisions that separate Americans -- fronts in the Culture War -- are increasingly evident in Europe as well. America is often described as divided into "red" and "blue" states, transforming the electoral map into code fo ...

August 8, 2007

How Much is Enough?

The New York Times reports that some millionaires in Silicon Valley just can't make ends meet, and are gripped by a sense of economic insecurity. Most Americans would surely find this perplexing, but a million dollars only goes so far. As the paper ...

August 7, 2007

Outing Atheists — Richard Dawkins Launches New Campaign

Oxford University professor Richard Dawkins, probably the best-known atheist of our times, is launching a campaign to call atheists "out of the closet," so to speak. Even as his book, The God Delusion, continues as a best-seller, he wants to mobilize ...

August 6, 2007