Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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A “Fine French Art” America Cannot Afford — Does Marriage Really Matter Anymore?

Few divorces make international headlines but when one spouse is the President of France, the international media take notice. What the media make of the divorce is a story unto itself, revealing as much about the worldview represented by major media ...

October 23, 2007

Ahhh . . . So When She Nods It Means Something Different?

The Wall Street Journal reports that Deloitte & Touche USA is training its consultants to understand the differences between men and women when it comes to communication. It seems that the firm suggests, among other things, that its male consulta ...

October 22, 2007

A Recovery Plan for Black America — And a Courageous Message for All Americans

Bill Cosby worked his way into American hearts through his great talent as a comedian and actor, but there has always been more to Bill Cosby than any laugh line can convey. He is also a man of ideas and a man who cares deeply about his country. Cos ...

October 19, 2007

Parental Rights in Education — Constant Vigilance Needed

Who makes the crucial decisions about the education of your children? The rights of parents to make these essential decisions must be asserted and defended in every generation. There are others who would wish to make those decisions concerning your c ...

October 18, 2007

Sign Your Way to a “Good Death?” — The Soft Slide to Euthanasia

Charlotte Allen doesn't want to sign a roadmap that could lead to euthanasia. That's why she refused to sign what is now commonly known as a "living will" when she was diagnosed last year with breast cancer. Writing in Sunday's edition of The Washing ...

October 16, 2007

Why Do We Need Christian Higher Education?

Martin Luther once warned Christians with these words: "I greatly fear that schools for higher learning are wide gates to hell if they do not diligently teach the Holy Scripture and impress them on the young folk." The great Reformer knew of the impo ...

October 15, 2007

From a Dying Man to Dying Men — Recovering a Bold Vision for Biblical Preaching

And how will they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14 Is preaching still central to Christian worship? This question is asked again and again as contemporary evangelicalism is observed. How can this be up for question? In some circles, preaching ...

October 12, 2007

Books, Libraries, and the Ideal of Christian Scholarship

We moderns tend to take books and libraries for granted, assuming that, at least since the invention of writing, all human beings have always enjoyed such access to the printed page. In reality the story is much different. Only in fairly recent times ...

October 10, 2007

Falling Birthrates, Empty Cribs, and Collapsing Worldviews

What really explains the disastrous fall in European birthrates? The collapse of birthrates in Europe covers almost the entire continent and has left many observers scratching their heads in puzzlement. Writing in The Weekly Standard, Steve Ozment, P ...

October 9, 2007

Is Creationism a Threat to Human Rights?

As if the world needed another crazy development, the Council of Europe, the continent's central human rights body, last week declared creationism to be a threat to human rights. The group's Parliamentary Assembly approved a resolution stating that c ...

October 8, 2007