Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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When Plants Have Rights . . . An Idea Gone to Seed

Worldviews are constantly in motion.  New issues arise and new questions present themselves.  In one sense, worldviews operate as idea factories, as primary ideas work themselves out into related ideas.  The basic framework of convictions that lies a ...

October 10, 2008

Spare the Rod? America’s Parents Just Won’t Get With the Science

Alan E. Kazdin is a frustrated man, and it's America's parents who are frustrating him.  These parents are, of all things, prone to use an occasional spanking in disciplining their children.  Dr. Kazdin's great frustration is that these parents insis ...

October 9, 2008

I’m Sorry, So Sorry — “False Apology Syndrome”

A physician by profession, Theodore Dalrymple has diagnosed one of the most public ills of our age -- "False Apology Syndrome."  He defines this new illness as "public apologies by politicians for the crimes and misdemeanors of their ancestors, or at ...

October 8, 2008

The End of Evolution?

The evolutionist is locked into an intellectual box from which there is no rescue.  Evolutionary theory is naturalistic by necessity -- everything must be explained in purely naturalistic terms.  Only nature can explain nature, and there is no other ...

October 7, 2008

The End of the Nation? Russia Chooses Death Over Life

Reports out of Russia indicate that the recent military clash with Georgia may have represented something more like desperation than opportunism.  Murray Feshbach of The Washington Post reports that, all things considered, Russia is actually close to ...

October 6, 2008

Are We Promised Prosperity?

Now that the economic "bailout" plan has been passed by Congress, expect all parties involved to claim credit if it appears to work and deny blame if the crisis worsens.  Though the primary problem is a crisis in the credit markets and the financial ...

October 3, 2008

You Must Be Born Again

When Jesus told Nicodemus, "unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God," Nicodemus was confused.  "How can a man be born when he is old," he asked.  "He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" Jesus's ...

September 30, 2008

Media Advisory — ABC World News Comes to Southern Seminary

ABC's World News Tonight broadcast a segment from the campus of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on Sunday night, September 28, 2008.  The issue was the roles of men and women in church and in society -- the issues raised by some in the wake ...

September 29, 2008

“On Faith” — On Overturning “Roe v. Wade”

The question posed at "On Faith," the project of Newsweek magazine and The Washington Post, had to do with whether the Roe v. Wade decision on abortion should be reversed.  The responses from columnists were very revealing, if tragic.  My own column ...

September 29, 2008

Desire and Deceit — New Book Now Available

My new book, Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance has just been released by Multnomah Publishers and is available through all major booksellers.  The book addresses a range of issues symptomatic of the sexual confusions of our ...

September 26, 2008