The Briefing Special Edition: Moore Oklahoma
What is the proper Christian response to the tragedy in Moore, Oklahoma? How do we understand the difference between moral and natural evil? What are the answers to theological difficulties raised by a horrible tragedy like this?
Dr. Mohler addresses each of these questions and many more in this Special Edition of The Briefing.
Two-mile-wide tornado kills at least 51 — including 7 elementary school students, CNN (Nick Valencia and Dana Ford)
Tornadoes Fast Facts, CNN
Chaos reigns at Okla. schools struck by tornado, USA Today (Melanie Eversley)
Rachel Weeping For Her Children – The Massacre in Connecticut, (Albert Mohler)
God and the Tsunami – Theology in the Headlines, Part One, (Albert Mohler)
God and the Tsunami – Theology in the Headlines, Part Two, (Albert Mohler)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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