The Briefing 02-15-13

The Briefing 02-15-13

Story 1 – For the young, conservative beliefs are ‘not realistic’

Young, Liberal and Open to Big Government, New York Times (Sheryl Gay Stolberg)

Story 2 – Colleges paying for transgender procedure a recruiting advantage

College Health Plans Respond as Transgender Students Gain Visibility, New York Times (Richard Perez-Pena)

Story 3 – Teachers not asking students what they read, but how it made them feel

The “Me” Curriculum at the DOE: Why we need to stop telling students “Narrative writing is all about me.” Atlanta Journal Constitution (Maureen Downey)

Story 4 – The Carnival of humanity

Tow line pulling crippled Carnival cruise ship breaks, Los Angeles Times (Molly Hennessy-Fiske)

Carnival Triumph “Limps” Towards Shore (BBC)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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