The Briefing 10-24-2014
1) As Ebola persists in America, important to remember and pray for the many afflicted in Africa
Doctor with Ebola in Manhattan hospital after return from Guinea, Reuters (Ellen Wulfhorst and Sebastien Malo)
Craig Spencer, Doctor in New York City, Is Sick With Ebola, New York Times (Marc Santora)
NBC’s Snyderman faces credibility issues, AP (David Bauder)
Ethicist Calls CPR Too Risky in Ebola, New York Times (Lawrence K. Altman)
Documenting with dignity in the Ebola zone, Washington Post (Michel du Cille)
In Ebola-Afflicted Liberia, Orphanages Make a Tragic Comeback, Wall Street Journal (Patrick McGroarty)
2) Attacks in Canada expose the myth of inevitable human progress
Terror in Ottawa, Wall Street Journal (Editorial Board)
Canada Worries as Extremism Lures More Abroad, New York Times (Marc Santora)
3) ‘Ratings creep’ in movies reveal a progressing desensitization to sin
The violent ‘Taken’ movies are rated PG-13. Do ratings make sense anymore?, Washington Post (Cecilia Kang)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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