The Briefing 03-19-14
1) Cultural left wonders if they made right decision on religious liberty in Arizona
Choosing What to Photograph Is a Form of Speech, Wall Street Journal (Eugene Volokh and Ilya Shapiro)
Restricting religion will not unite us, USA Today (Oliver Thomas)
2) In a moral revolution, those who refuse to celebrate are now condemned
Kwame Anthony Appiah finds unity in cosmopolitan outlook, Louisville Courier Journal (Matt Frassica)
3) Israel demands to be recognized as – not just a state – but a Jewish state
Jewish State Declaration Is Unyielding Block to a Deal, New York Times (Mark Landler)
4) Will Edwin Edwards’ years in prison keep him out of office?
After Years in Politics and Prison, Louisiana Ex-Governor Will Run for Congress, New York Times (Campbell Robertson)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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