The Briefing 03-11-14

The Briefing 03-11-14

1) Millennials in Adulthood report: Only 26% married as they reach adulthood

Millennial in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends, Pew Research Center

Half of millennials more likely to lean Democratic, Associated Press (Jesse J Holland)

Millennial generation less religious, more liberal than older ones, Los Angeles Times (David Lauter)

2) Christian leaders have no place in life of Bowdoin College

BCF advisors refuse to sign policy, vacate role at College, Bowdoin Orient (Meg Robbins and Marisa McGarry)

God and Sexuality at Bowdoin, The American Spectator (Owen Strachan)

3) United Methodist Church will not revoke credentials of reverend who performed gay marriage ceremony

United Methodist Church won’t defrock former Yale Divinity School dean who performed gay wedding, New Haven Register (Jim Shelton)



R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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