The Briefing 02-25-14
1) Fed Reserve failure to see financial meltdown picture of human nature in the face of crisis
A New Light on Regulators in the Dark, New York Times (Gretchen Morgenson)
New View Into Fed’s Response to Crisis, Wall Street Journal (Jon Hilsenrath)
Federal Reserve’s 2008 Transcripts: Five Takeaways, Wall Street Journal (Jon Hilsenrath)
2) Citizens looking to government like children to parents: “omnipotent problem solvers”
The storms reveal how little governments can do, Financial Times (Janan Ganesh)
3) Alcoholics Anonymous shift “away from religion” isn’t much of a shift at all
Alcoholics Anonymous, Without the Religion, New York Times (Samuel G. Freedman)
4) Faith healing preacher dying from snake bite represents tragedy of misappropriating the gospel
Snake-handling preacher bitten, dies; no hospitals for him, son says, Los Angeles Times (Matt Pearce)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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