The Briefing 02-19-14
1. To raise the minimum wage or not: What leads to the greatest human flourishing?
Minimum Wage Increase Would Have Mixed Effects, C.B.O. Report Says, New York Times (Annie Lowrey)
Report on federal minimum wage of $10.10 heats up debate in Congress, Los Angeles Times (Jim Puzzanghera and Kathleen B. Hennessey)
Minimum wage report puts Democrats on defensive, Washington Post (Associated Press)
The CBO Foresees Lost Jobs From a Higher Minimum Wage, Bloomberg Businessweek (Peter Coy)
2. Income inequality. Who is really in the 1% and why do some get a pass?
Yes, the Wealthy Can Be Deserving, New York Times (N. Gregory Mankiw)
The Truth About the ‘One Percent’, Wall Street Journal (James Pierson)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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