The Briefing 01-06-14
1. Extreme cold moves across the Midwest
Deep South braces for deep freeze as brutal cold grips the Midwest, CNN (Holly Yan and Joe Sutton)
2. Boy Scouts started allowing gay members first of the year
Scouting’s incomplete Evolution, New York Times (Editorial Board)
3. Bill de Blasio gets sworn in on the 1st
Taking Office, de Blasio Vows to Fix Inequity, New York Times (Michael Grynbaum)
4. Legal recreational marijuana goes on sale in Colorado
Up Early and in Line for a Marijuana Milestone in Colorado, New York Times (Jack Healy)
New York State Is Set to Loosen Marijuana Laws, New York Times (Susanne Craig and Jesse McKinley)
5. Marine Corps delays pull-up requirement for women after many fail
Marines back off pull-up requirement for women after many fail, Reuters (Elizabeth Dilts)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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