The Briefing 12-20-13 – Final Briefing of the 2013 Season
This is the final Briefing of 2013. Dr. Mohler will be back January 6, 2014. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for listening!
1) Duck Dynasty controversy isn’t over style – it’s over substance
What the Duck?, GQ Magazine (Drew Magary)
You Have Been Warned–The “Duck Dynasty” Controversy, (R. Albert Mohler, Jr.)
“Duck” Debate: Bigotry vs. Belief, (Television Interview including Dr. Mohler)
2) New Mexico legalizes same-sex marriage using unrelated 1972 amendment
New Mexico Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage, The Washington Post (Aaron Blake)
New Mexico Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, The Washington Post and State of New Mexico
3) Methodist Minister who performed same-sex wedding has credentials revoked
Methodist minister defrocked after officiating at son’s gay marriage, Los Angeles Times (Michael Muskal)
4) Gender neutral toys? Kids know the difference
How to fight sexism in the toy aisle, (Mary Elizabeth Williams)
5) Amidst cultural confusion over Christmas, clarity better be ours
Celebrating Christmas and the Holidays, Then and Now, Pew Research
Who’s welcoming Santa? Christmas by the numbers, Los Angeles Times (Emily Alpert Reyes)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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