The Briefing 12-13-13
1) Sandy Hook one year later – The answer to “Why?” may not be answered in this life
Newtown Far From a Catalyst for Gun Control, Boston Globe (Brian MacQuarrie)
Newtown: Striving for ‘New Normal’ a Year Later, USA Today (Gary Stoller)
The State’s Findings on Newtown, New York Times (Editorial)
Sandy Hook report offers chilling details about school shooter, Los Angeles Times (Tina Susman)
2) Center of Christianity has moved from Europe to North America, but may not stay here long
Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population, Pew Research
3) Same-sex marriages in Australia declared invalid
Australian Court Strikes Down Gay Marriage, Al Jazeera (Staff)
High Court Strikes Down ACT Gay Marriage Law, The Australian (Lauren Wilson)
4) Michigan restricts private insurance plans from covering abortion
Michigan Puts Restrictions on Abortion Insurance, ABC News (Associated Press)
5) 16 year old guilty of drunk driving avoids jail time due to “affluenza”
Texas teen Ethan Couch gets 10 years’ probation for driving drunk, killing 4, CNN (Dana Ford)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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