The Briefing 12-11-13
1) The power of gesture: What we can and cannot conclude from handshake between Raúl Castro and Obama
The Great and the Humble Pay Tribute to Mandela, New York Times (Lydia Polgreen, Nicholas Kulish, and Alan Cowell)
2) Legalize marijuana or harm the environment and suffer global warming
California Lawmakers Worry About Pollution Caused By Illegal Marijuana Grows, Huffington Post (Robin Wilkey)
3) No joke – Denver’s new marijuana editor desperately wants to be taken seriously.
Quips Follow Denver Post’s Naming of Marijuana Editor, but Its Intent Is Serious, New York Times (Christine Haughney)
4) Women ordination among liberal Catholic groups and Seventh-day Adventists
Group disavowed by Catholic church names women priest, deacons, Courier-Journal (Charlie White)
Some Seventh-day Adventists forge ahead on women clergy, Washington Post (Adelle Banks)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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