The Briefing 12-05-13
1) Would higher minimum wage really lead to the greatest human flourishing? No one really knows.
Obama throws support to minimum wage movement in economy speech, The Guardian (Paul Lewis)
2) After over ten years, the legalization of prostitution in Germany has spun out of control
Germany to Ban ‘Flat-Rate’ Sex Offers in Brothels, The Telegraph (Associated Press)
French Prostitution Crackdown Wins Parliamentary Vote, The Financial Times (Adam Thomson)
3) Legal challenge to same-sex marriage ban in Utah
Federal judge to hear arguments in Utah same-sex marriage case, The Salt Lake Tribune (Brooke Adams)
4) Church of England can “bless” same-sex weddings, but cannot celebrate or perform them
Church should allow blessings of gay relationships, CofE report says, The Guardian (Sam Jones)
5) At $4 million for 30 seconds, Super Bowl ads are sold out

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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