The Briefing 11-12-13
1. Talks with Iran to surrender its nuclear pursuits do not go as planned
Vive la France on Iran, Wall Street Journal (Editorial)
2. Bullying in the NFL –
Blame the victim? Some players criticize Jonathan Martin, USA Today (Eric Brady, Jim Corbett, Lindsay H. Jones)
Richie Incognito’s Bully Reputation Goes Back to 2002, USA Today (Brent Schrotenboer)
Prized for His Aggression, Incognito Struggled to Stay in Bounds, New York Times (Bill Pennington)
3. Ignoring penalties in college football?
BCS contenders Oregon, Baylor, others shrug off penalties, USA Today (Paul Myerberg)
4. Theology matters: Bill de Blasio says he was influenced by liberation theology
Bill de Blasio Talks Religion in the Bronx, Politicker (Jim Colvin)
Mayor Elect Bill De Blasio Quashes Atheism Rumors, Says He’s Spiritual But Unaffiliated, Huffington Post
5. In the past week’s elections – marriage matters
Off-Year Election Offers Clues to 2014 and Beyond, Wall Street Journal (Neil King Jr.)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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