The Briefing 11-04-13

The Briefing 11-04-13

1) After $1.6 billion spent on security, LAX still not safe. Is safety possible? 

Suspect shot, in custody at Los Angeles airport after TSA officer killed, CNN (Michael Martinez and Greg Botelho)

2) In Kentucky, first gay divorce attempted in state where same-sex marriage is illegal

First ‘gay divorce’ attempted in Kentucky, Courier-Journal (Andrew Wolfson)

3) Three important federal court actions reveal massive influence of federal courts

Federal court reinstates key part of Texas abortion law, CNN (Dana Ford)

Court Rules Contraception Mandate Infringes on Religious Freedom, New York Times (Sarah Wheaton)

Most of Law on Abortion Is Reinstated in Texas, New York Times (Associated Press)

Court Blocks Stop-and-Frisk Changes for New York Police, New York Times (Joseph Goldstein)

Court Order Lets NYPD Continue ‘Stop-and-Frisk’, Wall Street Journal (Christopher M. Matthews)

4) What is the “single most important legacy” of presidents? Federal judge appointments.

Obama tilts federal judiciary back toward Democrats, USA Today (Richard Wolf)

Court Fight, New York Times (Charles M. Blow)


R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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